Halifax in Stratford Upon Avon
This page has details for the Halifax in Stratford Upon Avon including opening times / hours, address, telephone number and map location.
Below is the map for Halifax in Stratford Upon Avon. Feel free to zoom in and out to find the exact location.
Bankopeningtimes.org is a UK bank directory with details for banks and branches across the UK. If you need bank details other than Halifax in Stratford Upon Avon, feel free to browse the website. All the banks in the directory are listed above.
Please be aware that the details for Halifax in Stratford Upon Avon and all other listed banks are only for guidance purpose. It is recommended that you call the bank before making a visit to confirm the details and any other queries you may have.
Halifax Stratford Upon Avon is conveniently located at 28 Bridge Street, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 6AD. If you need to get in touch with the bank, you can reach them at 01789 309242.
The branch offers a range of services to cater to your banking needs. Whether you're looking to manage your personal finances or handle business transactions, Halifax Stratford Upon Avon has you covered. Some of the services they provide include:
1. Personal Banking: The branch assists customers in handling their personal banking requirements. This includes basic transactions such as depositing and withdrawing cash, opening and managing current accounts, and updating personal information.
2. Savings and Investments: If you're interested in growing your wealth, the bank can help you explore various savings accounts and investment options suitable for your financial goals. They provide guidance in selecting the right products and manage investments effectively.
3. Mortgages and Home Loans: Halifax Stratford Upon Avon specializes in mortgage and home loan services, making the process of purchasing or refinancing a home easier. Their expert advisors can guide you through different mortgage options, explain terms and eligibility criteria, and assist in finding the right deal for you.
4. Credit Cards: The branch offers a range of credit card options for individuals looking to enhance their buying power or seeking greater flexibility in managing their expenses. Customers can apply for credit cards, receive advice on choosing the appropriate card, and obtain information about rewards or benefits associated with each option available.
5. Insurance Services: Whether it's protecting your home, car, or personal belongings, Halifax Stratford Upon Avon delivers insurance solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Their experienced staff can help you understand different policies, compare coverage options, and find suitable insurance plans that fit your needs.
6. Financial Planning: For those seeking comprehensive financial advice, the branch provides support in creating a solid financial plan aligned with your objectives. Whether you're preparing for retirement or aiming to reach a personal milestone, their qualified advisors can assist you in making informed decisions.
7. Business Banking: Halifax Stratford Upon Avon also caters to the banking needs of businesses. They offer a range of services such as setting up business accounts, managing payroll, providing lending options, and facilitating transactions to ensure smooth financial operations for companies.
Please note that the branch's opening hours are as follows:
- Monday: 09:00-17:00
- Tuesday: 09:00-17:00
- Wednesday: 09:30-17:00
- Thursday: 09:00-17:00
- Friday: 09:00-17:00
- Saturday: 09:00-12:00
- Sunday: Closed
Feel free to visit Halifax Stratford Upon Avon during their opening hours or contact them for any assistance related to the mentioned banking services.
The branch offers a range of services to cater to your banking needs. Whether you're looking to manage your personal finances or handle business transactions, Halifax Stratford Upon Avon has you covered. Some of the services they provide include:
1. Personal Banking: The branch assists customers in handling their personal banking requirements. This includes basic transactions such as depositing and withdrawing cash, opening and managing current accounts, and updating personal information.
2. Savings and Investments: If you're interested in growing your wealth, the bank can help you explore various savings accounts and investment options suitable for your financial goals. They provide guidance in selecting the right products and manage investments effectively.
3. Mortgages and Home Loans: Halifax Stratford Upon Avon specializes in mortgage and home loan services, making the process of purchasing or refinancing a home easier. Their expert advisors can guide you through different mortgage options, explain terms and eligibility criteria, and assist in finding the right deal for you.
4. Credit Cards: The branch offers a range of credit card options for individuals looking to enhance their buying power or seeking greater flexibility in managing their expenses. Customers can apply for credit cards, receive advice on choosing the appropriate card, and obtain information about rewards or benefits associated with each option available.
5. Insurance Services: Whether it's protecting your home, car, or personal belongings, Halifax Stratford Upon Avon delivers insurance solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Their experienced staff can help you understand different policies, compare coverage options, and find suitable insurance plans that fit your needs.
6. Financial Planning: For those seeking comprehensive financial advice, the branch provides support in creating a solid financial plan aligned with your objectives. Whether you're preparing for retirement or aiming to reach a personal milestone, their qualified advisors can assist you in making informed decisions.
7. Business Banking: Halifax Stratford Upon Avon also caters to the banking needs of businesses. They offer a range of services such as setting up business accounts, managing payroll, providing lending options, and facilitating transactions to ensure smooth financial operations for companies.
Please note that the branch's opening hours are as follows:
- Monday: 09:00-17:00
- Tuesday: 09:00-17:00
- Wednesday: 09:30-17:00
- Thursday: 09:00-17:00
- Friday: 09:00-17:00
- Saturday: 09:00-12:00
- Sunday: Closed
Feel free to visit Halifax Stratford Upon Avon during their opening hours or contact them for any assistance related to the mentioned banking services.
Other Banks
If you are looking for branch details other than Halifax in Stratford Upon Avon, below are some more banks in other locations:
If the bank you are looking for is not in the above list, feel free to browse bankopeningtimes.org and find a branch closer to you.
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Meta Data
Local Date: 13 Jan 2025
Local Time: 14:34 GMT
Lat, Lng: 52.192738, -1.704842
Last Viewed: 2018-03-07 11:17:43
Identifier: f4db8537e9d75da46c4e